Ecoseal Developments Pvt Ltd

RockWorks - Volumetrics and Pit Optimization
RockWorks offers both interactive viewing of volume computations, as well as detailed reports.
Use RockWorks to create on-the-fly and report-based volume computations from a variety of model types:
Lithology Models
  • View the volume of each lithology type right in the 3D window
  • Create a detailed report of the volume of each lithology type, at user-specified intervals. The report can also list percent of material, numbers of nodes, and mass.
Volumetrics report for a lithology model

Stratigraphy Models
  • View the volume of each formation right in the 3D viewer
  • Create a detailed report of the volume of each stratigraphic layer, at user-specified intervals. The report can also list percent of material, numbers of nodes, and mass
Volumetrics report for a stratigraphy model

Quantitative Models
  • Display interpolated stratigraphic surfaces in fence panels, or display "straight" linear correlations
  • Include a stratigraphy color legend
  • Turn individual layers on and off
  • Stratigraphic fences can be created in Shapefile format for display in ArcScene®
Volumetrics report for a geochemistry model of arsenic concentrations in soil

Surface Based Volumetrics
Use tools in the RockWorks Utilities to create:
  • Grid-statistics reports for isopach grids include volume
  • Easy Stockpile volumes based on X, Y and thickness spreadsheet
  • Grid-Based Volume Report incorporating filters based on thickness, boundary polygon and distance to data points

Advanced Volumetrics Tools
  • The RockPlot3D viewer includes tools for quick model filtering and volume calculation
  • Excavation and overburden modeling
  • Pit generation and optimization based on boundary polygon, slope and bench specifications, maximum excavation depth and stripping ratio
Solid Model Volumetrics
Helping Communities
Project Review

Ecoseal reviewed the ACIAR Project on Sustainable Agriculture in Saline Environments through Serial Biological Concentration, which was carried out in Pakistan and Australia.
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Seawater Intrusion Model for the Island of Kayts, Sri Lanka

Assessing sustainable water supply options for Kayts to limit the impact of saline groundwater upconing and saltwater intrusion along the northwest coast of Sri Lanka.
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Groundwater Management Model for the Lower Murray, Australia

The aim of this project was to develop a groundwater management model which was used by natural resource managers and the community to better manage the groundwater resources of the Lower Murray. This region has been designated as a potential high-risk aquifer system.
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