Ecoseal Developments Pvt Ltd
RockWorks - 2D and 3D Maps

Borehole data based maps
  • Borehole location maps Geology maps Isopach maps
  • Contour maps

  • XYZ data based maps
    Contoured borehole location map Grid data based contour map

    Borehole location, geology, contour and isopach maps
    Use RockWorks 2004 to create a variety of 2D and 3D maps from your borehole data.

    Borehole Location Maps
    • Plot unique symbols for each borehole location
    • Display subsurface traces for deviated or inclined wells
    • Include surface contours (lines and/or color-filled)
    • Include background map images (topo maps)
    Borehole location map
    Borehole location map

    Geology Maps
    • New to RockWorks 2004
    • Display interpolated lithology or stratigraphy at surface intersects - ground surface or subsurface contacts
    • Or, display interpolated lithology or stratigraphy as a horizontal slice, at a user-specified elevation
    • Display full geology patterns or background colors only
    Geology Map
    Geology Map

    Contour Maps
    • Create 2D contour maps of stratigraphic surfaces, with line and/or color-filled contours
    • Create 3D surface displays of one or more stratigraphic surfaces, with a variety of surface display options (wireframe, color gradient, solid)
    Contour map
    Contour map

    Isopach Maps
    • Illustrate isopachs models as 2D contour maps, with line or color-filled contours
    • Isopachs can represent a single formation or multiple adjacent formations
    • Illustrate isopachs in 3D
    Isopach Map
    Isopach Map

    Point maps in RockWorks
    RockWorks 2004 gives you the capability to create numerous different styles of point maps, including bubble maps, barchart maps, piechart maps and more:

    Simple point maps
    • Unique symbols and colors for each sample point or well
    • Customizable symbols
    • Labels are automatically positioned such that they do not overplot adjacent labels or other symbols
    A simple point map
    A simple point map

    Point maps with variable symbol sizes
    • Symbols linearly scaled based on user-specified minimum and maximum symbol dimensions. Well suited for geochemistry with small variations.
    • Symbols, colors, and dimensions based on ranges within a user-defined table
    Point map with variable symbol size
    Point map with variable symbol size

    Bubble maps
    • Circle diameters defined by user-designated data column
    • Colors defined by separate data column
    • Petroleum example: diameter = production, color = ownership
    • Geochemistry example: diameter = PPM, color = sample type (e.g. stream sediment vs. rockchip).

    Bubble map
    Bubble Map

    Pie chart maps
    • Display multiple percentage variables as small pie charts on a map
    • Data automatically normalized to 100%
    • Optional pie wedge annotation
    • Display well symbol inside pie chart by defining inside radius
    • "Explode" segments for emphasis
    • Great for showing mineralogical variations
    Pie chart map
    Pie Chart Map

    Starburst maps
    • Display multiple concentration variables as small "starbursts" on a map
    • Each "wedge" has it's own radius scaling factor.
    • Optional wedge annotation
    • Display well symbol inside pie chart by defining inside radius
    • "Explode" segments for emphasis
    • Great for showing multiple contaminant values
    Starburst map
    Starburst map

    Barchart maps
    • Display multiple concentrations variables as small barcharts on a map
    • Separate column-height scaling factors for each column
    • Optional bar annotation
    • Great for visually comparing multiple contaminant levels at many sites
    Barchart map
    Barchart Map

    RockWorks contour maps
    RockWorks 2004 let's you easily create feature-rich contour maps from your elevation (topographic) or other XYZ data:

    Non-grid (triangulation-based) contour map

    Triangulation based contour map
    Triangulation based contour map

    Grid-based contour map

    Grid based contour map
    Grid based contour map

    Color-filled contour map

    Color-filled contour map
    Color-filled contour map

    Color filled contour map with conventional contour lines

    Color-filled contour map with conventional contour lines
    Color-filled contour map with conventional contour lines

    Contour map with irregularly-spaced, non-numeric contour labeling

    Contour map with irregularly-spaced, non-numeric contour labeling
    Contour map with irregularly-spaced, non-numeric contour labeling

    Disable contours at clipping boundaries

    Disable contours at clipping boundaries
    Disable contours at clipping boundaries

    3D Surface Maps and Terrain Models
    RockWorks 2004 allows you to create 3D surfaces based on elevation or other XYZ data. Display surfaces in 3D with a variety of surface styles. Adjust transparency, lighting, and vertical stretch for all. Zooming and rotation are possible for all types of 3D surfaces.

    Types of surfaces that can be created in RockWorks
    • Mesh surface Solid surface
    • Dot grid surface
    Mesh, solid and dot grid 3D surfaces (from upper left to lower right)
    Mesh, solid and dot grid 3D surfaces (from upper left to lower right)

    Surface color schemes
    • Solid Gradational color (ie. hot to cold)
    • Custom color
    Solid, gradational and custom color schemes (from upper left to lower right)
    Solid, gradational and custom color schemes (from upper left to lower right)

    Additional options
    • Drape 2D contour maps over surfaces Drape raster images over surfaces Float raster images over surfaces
    • Stack multiple surfaces
    Airphoto draped over surface topography, vertical storage tanks, and lithology logs
    Airphoto draped over surface topography, vertical storage tanks, and lithology logs

    RockWorks land grid maps
    RockWorks 2004 has the following utilities available to process and display your land grid data:

    Import and/or interpolate land grid coordinates
    • Import section coordinates from commercial data vendors:
      • IHS (Petroleum Information/Dwights) Tobin (Graphics Information ASCII-31 Format)
      • Whitestar (Platte River)
    • Interpolate section corners based on a known reference point

    Section grid maps (township and range)
    • Converts tables of land grid corner point coordinates to fully annotated section maps Automatically calculates and displays acreages
    • Full control of plotting parameters such as labeling verbosity, colors, and font dimensions
    Section grid or township and range map
    Section grid or township and range map

    Convert legal descriptions to local or global coordinates
    • Convert tables of legal descriptions (e.g. well locations) into cartesian coordinates (longitude/latitude, UTM feet/meters)
    • Accepts quarter/quarter, half-section, or footage-from-edge style legal descriptions

    Lease ownership/expiration map
    • Convert legal descriptions to cartesian coordinates based on land-grid database
    • Control colors, patterns, font sized, etc
    Lease ownership and expiration map
    Lease ownership and expiration map

    RockWorks surveying tools
    RockWorks 2004 has the following utilities available to process and display your surveying data:

    Convert survey coordinates to XYZ
    Convert bearing, distance, and inclination to XYZ values. Display as 2D maps and as 3D images.

    Convert survey coordinates to XYZ
    Convert survey coordinates to XYZ

    Determine known points
    • Convert triangulation-based survey data to known points
    • Compute locations by "shooting" at known points
    Determine known points
    Determine known points

    Downhole Survey
    Create plan-view, profile, or 3D image of deviated boreholes.

    Helping Communities
    Project Review

    Ecoseal reviewed the ACIAR Project on Sustainable Agriculture in Saline Environments through Serial Biological Concentration, which was carried out in Pakistan and Australia.
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    Seawater Intrusion Model for the Island of Kayts, Sri Lanka

    Assessing sustainable water supply options for Kayts to limit the impact of saline groundwater upconing and saltwater intrusion along the northwest coast of Sri Lanka.
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    Groundwater Management Model for the Lower Murray, Australia

    The aim of this project was to develop a groundwater management model which was used by natural resource managers and the community to better manage the groundwater resources of the Lower Murray. This region has been designated as a potential high-risk aquifer system.
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