Ecoseal Developments Pvt Ltd
Rock Works Features
Logs, Log Sections and Log Maps
Create individual logs or multi-log cross sections and maps in 2D and 3D. Arrange log columns using the interactive design window. RockWorks displays both vertical and deviated/inclined wells.
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Cross Sections
Create single- and multi-panel 2D cross sections of interpolated lithology, stratigraphy, quantitative data, fractures, and aquifers. Include source log data, borders, titles, legends.
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Fence Diagrams
Create 3D cross sections or fence diagrams of interpolated lithology, stratigraphy, quantitative data, fractures, and aquifers. Include source log data, borders, and legends.
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Volumetrics and Pit Optimization
RockWorks offers both interactive viewing of volume computations, as well as detailed reports.
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Use RockWorks to create point, contour, isopach, 3D surface, land grid, and survey maps.
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3D Solid Models
Use RockWorks to create continuous models of your downhole quantitative data (geochemistry, geophysical, geotechnical), your lithology intervals, and/or your fractures. For quantitative data, a variety of modeling algorithms are available; lithology and fracture modeling use data-specific processes.
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Data Types
Use RockWorks to store and interpolate lithology, stratigraphy, geophysical, geochemical, fracture, and water level data.
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Other Geology Tools
Stereonets, rose diagrams, Piper and Stiff diagrams, coordinate conversion and more.
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Graphic Output
RockWorks system requirements, imports/exports, and scripting.
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Importing and Exporting
RockWorks offers an incredible array of options for importing and exporting data, graphics, grid models and solid models:
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RockWorks Revisions List
View a comprehensive list of new features that have been added to the RockWorks program and posted every few weeks since its original release.
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What Users Say
What do our clients say about RockWorks?
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RockWare Command Language
Almost all of the applications within RockWorks may be accessed, without displaying RockWorks menus, by placing special commands within an ASCII text file. Note that it addition to running applications via an RCL script, it is also possible to display the RockWorks sub-menus. 
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Helping Communities
Project Review

Ecoseal reviewed the ACIAR Project on Sustainable Agriculture in Saline Environments through Serial Biological Concentration, which was carried out in Pakistan and Australia.
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Seawater Intrusion Model for the Island of Kayts, Sri Lanka

Assessing sustainable water supply options for Kayts to limit the impact of saline groundwater upconing and saltwater intrusion along the northwest coast of Sri Lanka.
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Groundwater Management Model for the Lower Murray, Australia

The aim of this project was to develop a groundwater management model which was used by natural resource managers and the community to better manage the groundwater resources of the Lower Murray. This region has been designated as a potential high-risk aquifer system.
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